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Who is afraid of dance? Elisabeth Gets Her Way

  • Theater Rotterdam Schouwburgplein 25 Rotterdam 3012 CL Netherlands (map)

Almost-Christmas atmosphere we hit Theater Rotterdam for a joint date.
Elisabeth Gets Her Way by Jan Martens/Grip awaits us in the Grote Zaal and before that, we meet and consider how we arrive, move around, enter and share what a dance performance is to us.

What if going to the theater performance was more than watching a show?

What if we "warm up" and "cool down" together as an audience?

What if there are more than opinions to share?

This is an invitation to meet a group of people curious about their experience with/in dance, and the ways it can become significant for each and every one of us.

Would you join?
19:00 First part in TR foyer: coming together, “warm up”

short break

20:00 Elisabeth Gets Her Way by Jan Martens/Grip

21:15 Second part, “cool down”

22:00 Farewell and drinks

How much?

TR and the kind people working there, offer a generous discount for this opportunity: €10 ticket (instead of €28!)

My facilitation does not have a fixed price and is a “pay as you want and can” method, on the date itself.

November 9

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March 17

Who is afraid of dance? POLES